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nab-sack: A NBA stats trivia website

4 minute read


I spent a lot of the past year preparing for and taking technical interviews. This meant a lot of Data Structures, Algorithms, Graphs, Counting, and a whole lot of general Leetcoding.

Basketball Reference Scraper

1 minute read


NBA stats and analytics are growing as a field and becoming more and more popular among young programmers seeking entry into fields of data analysis, machine learning, and general statistics.

Threadalytics - An NBA Sentiment Analysis Platform

5 minute read


The goal of this project was to capture the recent sentiments from r/nba about NBA players and teams. After capturing relevant data, we want to display it in a visually appealing fashion and convey details about why a certain team or player got the score.


Lessons from Behavioral Interviews

5 minute read


Behavioral interviews are tricky. They aren’t as straightforward as technical interviews and some people simply aren’t too good at them. The main differences are:


Basics of Bitmasking - From Backtracking to Dynamic Programming

5 minute read



When attempting to achieve a performant solution to a problem that seems fairly brute-forcey, we often turn to dynamic programming. But DP necessecitates us to maintain some sort of state in order efficiently cache intermediate solutions.


dynamic programming

Basics of Bitmasking - From Backtracking to Dynamic Programming

5 minute read



When attempting to achieve a performant solution to a problem that seems fairly brute-forcey, we often turn to dynamic programming. But DP necessecitates us to maintain some sort of state in order efficiently cache intermediate solutions.



hash table


interview prep

Sum of distances in array

4 minute read


I ran into a similar pattern Leetcode problem over the past 3 days and decided it was a common enough pattern that I should make a post about it.

Lessons from Behavioral Interviews

5 minute read


Behavioral interviews are tricky. They aren’t as straightforward as technical interviews and some people simply aren’t too good at them. The main differences are:


Basics of Bitmasking - From Backtracking to Dynamic Programming

5 minute read



When attempting to achieve a performant solution to a problem that seems fairly brute-forcey, we often turn to dynamic programming. But DP necessecitates us to maintain some sort of state in order efficiently cache intermediate solutions.

Sum of distances in array

4 minute read


I ran into a similar pattern Leetcode problem over the past 3 days and decided it was a common enough pattern that I should make a post about it.

leetcode medium

prefix sum

Sum of distances in array

4 minute read


I ran into a similar pattern Leetcode problem over the past 3 days and decided it was a common enough pattern that I should make a post about it.

sliding window